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Meet Dr. Jayram


Dr. Jayram was born and raised in suburban Chicago. He graduated with honors from Washington University in St. Louis and then attended Vanderbilt University for medical school. He completed his urology residency including a year of research at the University of Chicago Hospitals. Following this, he completed a fellowship at the Brady Urological Institute at Johns Hopkins. As a clinical instructor at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Jayram gained tremendous experience with kidney, prostate, and bladder surgery with an emphasis on minimally-invasive cancer surgery. Since his time back in Nashville at Urology Associates, P.C., Dr. Jayram has established a large urologic oncology practice and is amongst the busiest robotic surgeons in the Southeast. He is also a part of the TriStar Kidney Transplant Program and performs living donor surgeries for those wishing to donate a kidney.

Dr. Jayram

Call Dr. Jayram’s Care Team 615-622-5032

Dr. Jayram is very active in education and research. He is co-director of the Advanced Therapeutics Center where he treats patients with advanced cancers and participates in cutting-edge clinical trials. Dr. Jayram has spearheaded the immunotherapy program at Urology Associates where patients with complex urinary tract cancers from across the region can receive novel therapies or trials which can significantly impact their life. He is a Clinical Associate Professor of Urology at Vanderbilt and mentors resident physicians during their training. Dr. Jayram has written numerous journal articles and book chapters and is an editorial contributor to the popular website Practice Update.

Patient Reviews

Getting to Know Dr. Jayram

Dr. Jayram is an avid sports fan, no longer tortured since the Cubs won the World Series. He enjoys golf, tennis, Twittering (@tomjayram), and traveling with his wife and three kids.

  • Favorite Books: “The Emperor of all Maladies” by Siddhartha Mukherjee, “A Good Walk Spoiled” by John Feinstein
  • Favorite Movies: “Super Troopers”, “Rounders”, “The Namesake”
A Quote From Dr. Jayram

“I believe in evidence-based medicine, and feel patients do best when they are best informed about their condition and the treatment options.”

Other Involvements