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Meet Dr. Wendland


Dr. Wendland is a general urologist with a special interest in BPH, incontinence, kidney stones as well as prostate, bladder, and kidney cancer. He is also experienced in robotic surgery. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Biology from Wayne State University in Detroit, MI, earning Cum Laude honors. He then achieved his medical degree from Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Wendland completed his urologic surgery residency at Michigan State University in Pontiac, MI. Following his residency, he joined a busy private practice in Albany, GA, becoming a partner two years later. He and his wife have four boys. Dr. Wendland has been practicing Urology since 2004.

Dr. Wendland

Call Dr. Wendland’s Care Team 615-622-5026


Patient Reviews

Getting to Know Dr. Wendland

He is the father of 4 boys and is married to his high school sweetheart.

A Quote From Dr. Wendland

“My goal is to provide comprehensive, quality urologic care in a compassionate and dignified manner.”