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Our Management Team

David Morris, M.D.

David Morris, M.D.


Dr. Morris is a full-time practicing urologist at our Hendersonville and Gallatin offices. Additionally, he is Co-Director of the Advanced Therapeutic Center (ATC) and the Research Department at our Nashville office. He and his wife, Betsy, have two daughters, Avery and Lucy, who keep them busy with dance, soccer, and swimming.

Matthew Hassan, M.D.

J. Matthew Hassan, M.D.

Chief Medical Officer

Dr. Hassan is a full-time practicing urologist at our Cool Springs office. He received his Bachelor of Arts at Princeton University, earning Magna Cum Laude honors. He then graduated from Vanderbilt School of Medicine. Dr. Hassan was the chief resident in Urologic Surgery at Vanderbilt and was awarded the Candle (Caring, Advocating, Nurturing, Determination, Leadership, Empathy) Award for his positive impact on the lives of physicians-in-training at Vanderbilt.

Leslie Jacobs

Leslie Jacobs

Chief Executive Officer

Leslie grew up in Bartlett, TN. She now lives in Nolensville with her husband, Jason, her two daughters, and two stepsons. Leslie graduated Magna Cum Laude from Lipscomb University where she majored in Accounting. She worked at Urology Associates' practice management company for twelve years before joining UA in 2019. She enjoys DIY projects, playing the French horn, and cheering on her girls at their volleyball games.

Favorite Book: The "Outlander" Series by Diana Gabaldon

Favorite Movie: "Pride and Prejudice"

Jill Becker

Jill Becker

Director of the Urology Surgery Center

Jill grew up in Brentwood, TN, and made a permanent residence in the area. She believes that our patients come first, and will do whatever she can to ensure they have pleasant experiences. Jill believes that our patients, and their families, should feel welcome in the USC.

Favorite Movie: “Mame!”

Amber Glass

Amber Glass

Operations Manager

Amber joined Urology Associates in 2008. Her hometown is Nashville, TN. She currently lives in Kingston Springs, TN, with her husband, Jared, her two daughters, her stepdaughter and stepson. She studied psychology at University of Phoenix and plans to one day continue toward her Master’s Degree. In her free time, Amber enjoys family time, gardening, reading and writing poetry, oil painting and outdoor activities.

Favorite quote: “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage it takes to continue that counts.” --Winston Churchill

Connie Wallace

Connie Wallace

Director of Revenue Cycle Management

Connie grew up in Fairview, TN, and is known for her contagious smile and sense of humor. Connie has worked with our practice management company, CIMplify, traveling to various parts of the country training staff on EMR and billing systems. She later managed Urology Associates' Cool Springs and Franklin offices for over eight years before moving into Administration. She believes the best part about being in management is the rewarding experience she receives from working with a wonderful group of physicians and staff. Connie believes it is important to work with those who share the common goal of providing the best patient care possible.

Connie has two beautiful daughters and four adorable grandchildren. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, photography, kayaking, and hiking.

Favorite Book: "The Notebook" (loved the movie, too)
Favorite Movie: "Pride and Prejudice"

Nikki Fisher

Nikki Fisher

Specialty Departments Manager - Pharmacy, ATC, UDS, & Men's Health

Nikki has lived in Nashville most of her life and joined Urology Associates in 2010.

Nikki likes to fill her time off with reading and spending time with family and friends. She is adamant about learning new things and believes that, “the experiences we have each day are directly related to how we treat others. I try to make that experience a pleasant one.”

Favorite Books: “The Help” and “The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank
Favorite Movie: “Gone Girl”

Brandy Carney

Brandy Carney

Office Manager of Southern Hills & Skyline

Brandy is a Nashville native and lives in Joelton with her husband Mike. In her free time, Brandy enjoys travel, looking for any excuse to visit the beach, spending time with family (including her five children), and gardening. Her favorite movie is Sweet Home Alabama. Brandy joined Urology Associates in 2017 and is dedicated to patient care.

Chelsea Chamberlain

Office Manager of Stonecrest, Mt. Juliet & St. Thomas West

Chelsea was born and raised in Nashville, TN. She still resides in Nashville with her husband, Devonte, and two daughters, Gracyn and Rylee. In her free time she enjoys being with her family, attending sporting events, and going to the beach. Chelsea joined Urology Associates in 2014 as a certified coder. She is passionate about teamwork and patient care, especially cancer treatments, due to the loss of her mother to stomach cancer. Chelsea strives to constantly learn new things and face challenges head on.

Misty Duke

Misty Duke

Office Manager of Hendersonville, Gallatin, IOD, & The Call Center

Misty was born and raised in Nashville, TN. She joined Urology Associates in 2010, initially working at our Downtown Nashville office in registration. Misty then transferred to our Gallatin and Hendersonville offices in scheduling before becoming the Office Manager of Lebanon, Mt. Juliet, and Summit. She now serves as Office Manager for our Gallatin and Hendersonville locations and oversees our In-Office Dispensary and Call Center.

Misty and her husband, Dale, have two children, Jessica and Jessie. In her free time, Misty enjoys crocheting, hand lettering, and spending time with her family.

“Start each day with a grateful heart.”

Favorite Book: “Battlefield of the Mind” by Joyce Meyer
Favorite Movie: “The Help”

Ashley Perez

Corporate Trainer of Mt. Juliet

Ashley was born in Tampa, FL, and moved to Nashville when she was seven. She holds an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice and a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and Healthcare Administration. Most of her career has been spent managing private Aesthetic Practices, but she found her way to Urology Associates in 2023. Ashley has one daughter, Avery, whom she is proud to have raised by herself. In her free time she enjoys the outdoors, music and back roads, shoes, and animals. She values helping others and loves to make people laugh!

Dream Cars: 1956 Chevy Bel Air, 1963 Lincoln Continental, 1970 Chevy Chevelle
Favorite Book: Tuesdays with Morrie
Favorite Movie: Now and Then

Brian Tate

Brian Tate

Facilities Manager

Brian hails from Hendersonville, TN, and is a graduate of U of P with a degree in IT Networking. He worked his way up from grunt work to project superintendent before joining Urology Associates in 2012. His projects include work on Nissan's headquarters, Davidson Space Center, and the Country Music Hall of Fame. He and his wife, Adrienne, have two daughters, and live in Portland, TN. In his free time, Brian enjoys his pup, Nala, bourbon hunting, carpentry, and being in the outdoors.

Tamara West

Tamara West

Office Manager of Cool Springs & Franklin

Tammy was born in Los Angeles, CA, and later moved to Nashville, TN, at a young age. She has been working in healthcare for 21 years and has worked for Urology Associates for 10 years. Within these years at UA, she has been a Medical Assistant, Surgery Scheduler, and Team Lead Care Coordinator at our Charlotte office. Currently, she is the Office Manager at our Cool Springs and Franklin locations.

Tammy has two children, Dominic and De’Ona, and two grandchildren, Selena and Angel. She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, watching sports, and traveling. Tamara is passionate about advocating for mental health awareness and special needs.

Favorite Quote: “Live, Laugh, Love.”
Favorite Movie: “The Best Man” and “Stepmom”