Brooke Faught & Vikki Pedigo Testify at Fda Advisory Panel
Brooke Faught, MSN, WHNP-BC, IF, and Vikki Pedigo, MSN, WHNP-BC, of the Women’s Institute for Sexual Health testified in front of the FDA Advisory Panel in Washington, D.C. on June 4th to speak about why they believe women deserve access to an FDA-approved medication for sexual dysfunction.
“In 1998, Viagra was not only approved but fast-tracked through the process in 6 months despite potential life-threatening side effects. Since that date, 26 medications have been approved that can enhance men’s sexual functioning (many of them also fast-tracked) but EVERY SINGLE medication proposed for women has been denied. WOMEN HAVE 0 MEDICATIONS to treat comparable conditions. This is not about a specific pill but gender equality and unbiased consideration for women’s medical treatment,” writes Faught.
To watch the full testimony, check out this video.