Diagnosing Bladder Cancer
In most cases, bladder cancer begins in the lining of the bladder. As it progresses, it can penetrate deeper and potentially spread to other parts of the body. As with other types of cancer, it’s preferable if a urologist diagnoses bladder cancer when it’s in its early stages. When you watch this featured video, you’ll hear from Dr. David Morris—a board-certified urologist at Urology Associates, P.C.
Dr. Morris explains that many bladder cancer patients come to Urology Associates, P.C. after noticing blood in the urine. To diagnose the problem, you will likely have a cystoscopy, which is an invasive exam that may include a biopsy.
At Urology Associates, P.C., you’ll receive exceptional, compassionate bladder cancer care in Tennessee. You can request a referral to a urologist by calling 888-245-0702.