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Urologists know that men with prostate cancer are also at a higher risk of osteoporosis. In part, the association is due to age. The risk of both of these conditions increases for men aged 65 years and older. However, there’s another connection, which you can hear about when you watch this video.

It features Gerald Breeden, PA-C, a certified Physician Assistant at Urology Associates, P.C. He explains that the risk of osteoporosis increases in men with low sex hormones. Hormone deprivation therapy is one of the ways our urologists can treat prostate cancer.

The Men’s Health Clinic, at Urology Associates, P.C., offers a full spectrum of specialized medical services, including care for men with osteoporosis and prostate cancer. If you’re looking for a prostate cancer specialist in Nashville, call us today at 888-245-0702.