Women’s Sexual Health Course in Orlando

Brooke Faught, MSN, WHNP-BC, IF, is the clinical director of the Women’s Institute for Sexual Health, WISH, at Urology Associates P.C. located in Nashville, Tennessee. Brooke Faught, a board member of the National Associates of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH) and a fellow of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH), helped organize and was a keynote speaker at this years’ Women’s Sexual Health Course in Orlando. The course was co-sponsored by NPWH and ISSWSH and was dedicated to furthering the understandings of female sexual problems.
Brooke Faught lobbied alongside her colleague, Vikki Pedigo, MSN, WHNP-BC, on Capitol Hill and testified in front of the FDA in June 2015 on behalf of gender equality which aided in the landmark decision to approve the first-ever medication, Flibanserin, to treat Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder for women.
The various afflictions for female patients are becoming more prominent in the medical field as more women speak out about their ailments. New diagnostic and management strategies are becoming available to medical professionals and the Women’s Sexual Health Course allows them to gain the necessary knowledge, skills, and professionalism required for excellence in the practice of sexual medicine.
The Women’s Sexual Health Course reached attendance capacity months in advance of the meeting date and had 50 members on the waiting list. The NPWH and ISSWSH foundations are looking to expand the WSHC courses to twice annually to better accommodate all of those interested in learning more about helping women fight against sexual disorders.