Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate is the clinical term for a cancerous tumor on the prostate gland. As prostate cancer grows, it may spread to the interior of the gland, to tissues near the prostate, to sac-like structures attached to the prostate, and, ultimately, to other locations in the body (bones, liver, lungs, etc). Early detection is key and prostate cancer confined to the gland is often treated successfully.
According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men in the United States, other than skin cancer, and prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, exceeded only by lung cancer. Prostate cancer occurs in one out of eight men. Due in large part to increased screenings and early detection, the number of diagnosed cases has risen rapidly in recent years while mortality rates have declined.
The risk for developing prostate cancer rises significantly with age, with 60% of newly diagnosed cases occurring in men over the age of 65.

Treatments for Prostate Cancer
Your Prostate Cancer treatment will depend upon several factors including your overall health. Traditional treatments for Prostate Cancer include:
- Active Surveillance
- Surgery
- Radiation Therapy
In addition to the traditionally accepted treatment methods, there are new technologies available:
- MRI – Ultrasound Fusion Biopsy
- High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)
- SpaceOAR Hydrogel
- Barrigel Spacer
Urology Associates also offers options to make Radiation Therapy safer.
SpaceOAR is a bioabsorbable hydrogel that is implanted between the prostate and the rectum, reducing radiation exposure to the rectum.
Learn more about SpaceOAR Hydrogel
Barrigel Spacer can help minimize the side effects of radiation therapy by temporarily positioning the rectum away from the prostate, remaining in place throughout the course of your radiation treatment.
Learn more about Barrigel Spacer
Your Urologist will discuss the appropriate options for your individual treatment. If you would like to work with the providers in our Advanced Therapeutics Center (ATC), please contact us at 615-250-9355. Additional information on Prostate Cancer, including guides for patients, may be found on the Prostate Cancer Foundation website.
Men Who Speak Up: Leave The Silent Era Behind
If you are currently living with advanced prostate cancer, ask yourself these questions:
- Are you having trouble doing regular activities?
- Are you taking more medicine for pain or discomfort?
- Are you living with aches, discomfort, or pain you can’t explain?
You may think these things are occurring because of your age, a busy day, or a simple change in routine. You also may think that over-the-counter or prescription pain medicine is the only solution to treat these symptoms.
But these aches, pains, and lifestyle changes could be a sign or symptom of your prostate cancer spreading to the bone. Speak up. Listen to what your body is telling you, and talk to your doctor about which treatment may be right for you.
Men Who Speak Up is a national movement to raise awareness about the signs and symptoms of advancing prostate cancer. For more information on this movement visit their website: Men Who Speak Up
More Resources
Learn more about Prostate Cancer at these trusted resources:
Urology Care Foundation: Prostate Cancer