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Meet Amanda Jack

Amanda Jack, originally from Mt. Juliet, TN, is a dedicated healthcare professional. She earned her Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) from Volunteer State Community College in 2017, followed by a Bachelors of Science (BS) from Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) in 2018. With five years of experience as a licensed PTA in various settings, she then joined MTSU’s inaugural Physician Assistant Studies cohort and graduated with a Master’s of Science (MS) in 2024. Amanda is currently a PA-C at Urology Associates and is pursuing her Doctorate of Medical Science (DMSc), expected in May 2025. She is committed to serving patients in the Middle Tennessee area.

Call Amanda Jack’s Care Team 615-622-5012



Areas of Specialty
  • Urology
Office Location
Getting to Know Amanda
  • Amanda was born and raised here in Middle Tennessee and has lived in Mt. Juliet her whole life.
  • In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and two beautiful daughters, going out on the lake, being active outdoors, and exploring new places.
  • She is excited to continue developing meaningful, therapeutic relationships with her patients at Urology Associates.
Other Involvements