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Meet Stacey

Originally from Bartlett, Tennessee, Stacey completed her Bachelors of Science in Nursing from the University of Tennessee at Martin. She worked as a Registered Nurse at Centennial Medical Center and in Home Health until she joined Urology Associates, P.C., as a Urodynamicist in 2011.

Stacey followed her passion as a Registered Nurse to Williamson Medical Center, and during that time continued with her education at Belmont University. She graduated with her Masters of Science in Nursing from Belmont in 2017, and joined Urology Associates, P.C., as a Nurse Practitioner in 2018.

Stacey Hall, NP

Call Stacey’s Care Team 615-622-5031

Patient Reviews

Getting to Know Stacey

Stacey has a 15-year-old cat and enjoys traveling, doing yard work and home repair projects as well as spending time with her 2 god-daughters.

Other Involvements
  • American Association of Nurse Practitioners